How is Rio Parana yerba produced?
Yerba mate is an excellent, healthy alternative to coffee. It is a natural source of caffeine – without artificial additives or chemicals. It perfectly stimulates, refreshes and nourishes, thanks to its vitamin and mineral content.
How does Ilex paraguarensis, which grows in Misiones, Argentina, end up in the Rio Parana packet?

4 steps
The seedlings of yerba mate are planted in a farm located in the Misiones, Argentine during the winter. Approximately 6-10 years after planting, the shrubs are ready to be harvested.
The harvested leaves and twigs go to a drying house – secadero – where they are dried, according to tradition, in three stages: first quickly, at a very high temperature (about 600°C), then a little longer at 200°C and finally, about 3 hours, at 100-120°C.
The mature leaves and twigs are harvested by hand between December and September, carefully selecting and choosing only the most valuable ones.
After drying, the leaves and twigs are ground and bagged. The dry product is aged for 9-24 months, taking on its unique character. Before yerba mate goes into the packet, it is ground again.